Accounting Records for Your Business
March 6th, 2019
It is fairly common knowledge that businesses are required to keep their accounting records for seven years. However, many people are not aware that they should be keeping certain records, like their general ledgers, forever in some cases. Take for instance, the family farm which has been operated for thirty years and is being passed down to the next generation. As part of the succession… Read More »
Canada Pension Plan Top Up – The Child Rearing Provision
January 3rd, 2019
Individuals who left the work force, or had low earnings because they were caring for a child under the age of seven may be able to qualify for benefits or increase their Canada Pension Plan Benefits. To qualify the individual must have either not worked or had low earnings while being the primary caregiver of a child under the age of seven who was born… Read More »
Accounting Tips for Executors, Trustees and Attorneys
November 15th, 2018 by Samuel Teichroew
Anyone who holds assets for the benefit of someone else is in a position of trust. These individual controlling the assets are called “Trustees”, and the people entitled to the benefits of those assets are called “beneficiaries”. There are different types of Trustees: executors, administrators for an estate and attorneys acting under a Power of Attorney are a few examples. To promote clarity and ensure… Read More »
Rent-to-Own Agreements
August 16th, 2018 by Gemma Brown
The common thread of rent-to-own agreements is that the buyer will take possession and make payments to the seller over time and only upon payment in full will the seller then transfer legal title of the property to the buyer. There are generally two ways in which a rent-to-own agreement is structured; (i) agreement of sale and (ii) rental agreement with option to purchase. Agreement… Read More »
Purchasing or Selling a Cottage
June 25th, 2018
Is your dream to purchase a cottage property or has the dream faded and it is time to sell that cherished family cottage? Whether a purchase or sale, legal advice is important and our lawyers can assist you in the process whether the cottage is in Manitoba or Ontario, on titled or on leased land, either in a Provincial Park or on Indian Land. Cottage… Read More »
Liability in Sports, Who’s at Fault?
May 8th, 2018 by Mathieu Lafreniere
As the Province is in the midst of “Jets Fever” one question that we are often faced with is, what happens when someone gets hurt playing organized sports and whose fault is it? The Court of Queen’s Bench of Manitoba heard a case in 2016 in regards to a referee who was injured in the course of his role as a referee (Henderson v. Canadian,… Read More »