Smith Neufeld Jodoin LLP is committed to ensuring that clients with disabilities have access to our services with the same quality and timeliness as others do, and ensuring compliance with the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service under The Accessibility for Manitobans Act. Our policies, practices and measures reflect the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity for people with disabilities. This policy applies to all employees, students, management, and lawyers.
1. Communication
We meet the communication needs of our clients through various measures that enable individuals with disabilities to communicate effectively for the purposes of our provision of legal services to them.
2. Assistive Devices
We accommodate the use of assistive devices when clients are accessing our services or facilities. In cases where the assistive device presents significant and unavoidable health or safety concerns, we will attempt to use other measures to ensure the person with a disability can access our services or facilities.
3. Support Persons
We welcome clients with disabilities that are accompanied by a support person. Authorizations will be required for communication with a support person, and we let the client know which services, if any, require exclusion of the support person. Requirements in this regard will be clearly communicated with the client in the presence of the support person.
4. Service Animals
We allow service animals that have been trained to provide assistance to a client with a disability that relates to that person’s disability. The client is expected to maintain control of the animal. In the event that a service animal cannot enter an area of the premises because of other accommodations or applicable legislation, we will suggest appropriate alternatives and provide assistance to ensure access to our services.
5. Accessibility Features
To ensure barrier-free access to our services or facilities, we attempt to maintain our accessibility features so they can be used as intended at all times.
6. Notice of Temporary Disruption
We will provide clients with notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to accessibility features in any facility or service usually used by people with disabilities. The notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.
7. Feedback
Our goal is to meet the expectations of clients with disabilities. Comments on how well those expectations are being met are welcome and appreciated. Feedback may be provided in person, by phone, in writing, through our website, or in another acceptable manner as may be requested.
8. Training
We will ensure all employees, students, management and lawyers receive training about the provision of services to individuals with disabilities. New staff will undertake training within their first week of joining Smith Neufeld Jodoin LLP. Individuals will also be trained on an ongoing basis when changes are made to our policies, practices and measures.
9. Record
This policy exists to achieve service excellence to clients with disabilities. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, or to receive a copy of this policy in another format, please contact us using the form below.
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