• Steinbach 204.326.3442 - 85 PTH 12 North, Steinbach, MB, R5G 1A7
  • Niverville 204.388.9300 - Box 1120, 62 Main Street, Niverville, MB, R0A 1E0


Selling a Home: Legal Costs

Fees Lawyers fees with respect to the sale of a typical home are usually less than half a percent of the sale price, and sometimes less than a quarter of a percent of the sale price. At Smith Neufeld Jodoin LLP, our lawyers typically adhere to general policies regarding fees which are based upon the sale price of the property and upon the complexity of… Read More »

Selling a Home: Transferring Clear Title

It will be a requirement of most Offers to Purchase that the seller transfers to the buyer title to the land, clear of all registered encumbrances, mortgages, liens, etc., with a few exceptions. As a result, your lawyer will conduct a search of the title upon opening their file to determine which registrations will remain on title and which must be discharged as a requirement… Read More »

Selling a Home: Real Estate Commission

If you have hired a real estate agent to help you with the sale of your home, you will be required as a term of your agreement with the agent, to pay real estate commission for their services. The real estate commission is usually payable as a percentage of the purchase price obtained for the property being sold. It is the usual practice of the… Read More »

Buying a Home: Costs

Fees The fees to your lawyer charges for all typical work with respect to your purchase include such things as: title searches at the land titles office; investigating taxes related to the property; exchanging information with the seller’s lawyer; preparing all documentation necessary to complete the purchase; answering your questions and meeting with you to review and sign all necessary documents; negotiating satisfactory closing trust… Read More »

Buying a Rental Property: Residential Tenancy Issues

In the event that you are purchasing a home where a tenant is living in the property and you do not intend to terminate the lease or to have the seller terminate the lease prior to the date of possession, we would advise that a buyer proceed with extreme caution. There are many rules and regulations that govern the relationship of landlord and tenant in… Read More »

Buying a Home: Property Taxes

In a typical real estate purchase, an adjustment is usually made to the purchase price with respect to property taxes. This is due to the fact that property taxes are paid at different times of the year in the various areas of the province, but regardless of which area of the province the property is in, property taxes are always paid for the current calendar… Read More »
